It has been awhile since I've attended a Creative Mornings event and it was so nice attend the most recent one. Jennifer Armbrust gave a great talk on Business as Art. I'm definitely looking forward to the video being posted online so that I can re-watch the talk.
Armbrust's business is really interesting. She makes things and advises. I like the fact that she combined her skills to create business that's custom-made and unique to her.
Some quotes and questions said during the talk?
You are never not supported.
If you ask the question, you will get the answer eventually.
Can I survive as an artist with my personal and creative integrity intact?
Can I get paid to think?
Would it be alright with me if my life got easier?
Anything you don't know, you will learn in the process.
What does a feminist business model look like?
What doesn't resonate with you?