73/100 - How stories last

A lovely lecture by Neil Gaiman about how stories last.

Annotations and transcribed highlights: http://www.brainpickings.org/2015/06/16/neil-gaiman-how-stories-last Recorded at the Long Now Foundation (http://longnow.org/) on June 9, 2015. Follow @https://soundcloud.com/longnow and subscribe to the podcast of their excellent seminars on long-term thinking on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/seminars-about-long-term-thinking/id186908455?mt=2

The act of reading a story or listening to a story is the act of knowing you are being lied to, but its a true thing. You have walked with the people in the story. You’ve looked out through their eyes. You know what they believe. You walk with them, and by walking with them you have left your own reality and entered theirs.
— Neil Gaiman
Information in a story is something that you can access as real information. You can access it as if you have experienced it. You can use it and then you can pass it on.
— Neil Gaiman