Providing natural hair styling without a license used to be illegal in Oregon. One woman changed that and proved that the law isn't always right.

From Salem to the Salon

  • Portland Oregon Women's Film Festival (POWFest) 2016 Film Festival Official Selection
  • Oregon Public Broadcasting's 2016 Oregon Lens Film Festival
  • Portland Independent Film Networking Event (PDXIFNE) screening
  • VOX Siren ProducedByHer screening
A long walk and a camera. Imaginary Landscape follows photographer Jessica Beer as she captures images of Portland, Oregon that turn the common into the uncommon. Ostranenie (остранение) is the artistic technique of presenting to audiences common things in an unfamiliar or strange way in order to enhance perception of the familiar. Directed & edited by Christian Henry

TRAILER: From Salem to the Salon. This is the story of how a Portland-based salon owner changed Oregon state law. What starts as a desire to donate her hair-braiding skills to foster care children, quickly becomes a fight in Salem to fix a flawed system. Amber Starks fought the law and won. 

This film was made for the 48 Hour Film Project Genre: Suspense or Thriller 

-Credit: Co-writer/ Production Assistant

Highlights from newscasts I have written and produced over the years at Emmy award-winning television stations.