We Have Our Ways - Producer



In a dystopic but recognizable America, street riots are common, tap water is undrinkable, and you’re lucky if you get health insurance. Regina (played by Sidony O'neal) usually keeps her head down to just get by, especially at work. As a customer service rep for Alleviate, she must reject health coverage for desperate callers all day in order to do her job. But when her younger cousin Abigail is in need of a criminalized medical procedure, she must decide what price she’s willing to pay for justice. The film also stars Paige Moreland and Ana del Rocío.

We Have Our Ways was written by Kjerstin Johnson, directed by Dawn Jones Redstone and made possible by a grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council. 

From Salem to the Salon (Directed by Christian Henry)

The story of how a Portland-based salon owner changed Oregon state law.

What starts as a desire to donate her hair-braiding skills to foster care children, quickly becomes a fight in Salem to fix a flawed system. Amber Starks fought the law and won.

Production Stills, Trailer, Festivals & Screenings

  • Portland Oregon Women's Film Festival (POWFest) 2016
  • Oregon Public Broadcasting's 2016 Oregon Lens Film Festival
  • Portland Independent Film Networking Event (PDXIFNE) screening
  • VOX Siren ProducedByHer screening
  • True Believers Clinton Street Theater Women Director's Showcase
  • NW Media Summit: Stories for Change Showcase
  • Best Short Film Nominee: 2017 Portland Indie Film Awards

A long walk and a camera. Imaginary Landscape follows photographer Jessica Beer as she captures images of Portland, Oregon that turn the common into the uncommon. Ostranenie (остранение) is the artistic technique of presenting to audiences common things in an unfamiliar or strange way in order to enhance perception of the familiar. Directed & edited by Christian Henry

Highlights from newscasts I have written and produced over the years at Emmy award-winning television stations.

Highlights from broadcasts of Portland, Oregon's original news/arts/tech show, from KGW's Studio on The Square that I have booked, written and produced.



 A 48 hour film project. Genre: Suspense or thriller. Co-writer & PA